Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4 Month Checkup

Wow! We had the 4 month checkup yesterday and Madeline is growing like crazy! She is now 26 inches long, in the 93rd percentile for height! She is also 15 pounds, 12 ounces (74th percentile for weight). Overall she's almost 50th percentile for weight for length.

Jef says she's like a goldfish and that we need to stop putting her in bigger sizes because she grows to fill them. :-)

Monday, June 27, 2011

Madeline Rolls Over

Madeline has started rolling over when on her stomach. She will roll onto her side as well when on her back.

The 4th Month

Everything has been going great this month. Madeline graces us with a laugh from time to time and has started making a much broader array of noises. Gramie Franie came and took care of Madeline for 2 weeks while Jef and I were at work and now Madeline is in daycare. She seems to be doing really well and has big smiles for her caregiver. Madeline is now in size 6 months because she is so long. We have her 4 month checkup tomorrow and I am excited to see where she is on the charts. She definitely takes after her daddy in that department!

Madeline and Jef with Tyler Florence (Madeline won a signed copy of his new cookbook)

Father's Day